🍃 Save on Utilities with Akeptus
Become part of the growing community of homeowners saving on their utility bills.
Sign up now—it's completely free!
🚀 Getting Started with Akeptus
  • 1

    Sign Up as a Homeowner
    Tailor your experience by choosing the 'Homeowner' option during sign-up.

  • 2

    Input Home Details
    Add square footage and location details

  • 3

    Connect Your Utility (optional)
    Securely link your account for real-time energy consumption and bill forecasts

  • 4

    Integrate Smart Devices (Optional)
    Sync your smart home gadgets for automated comfort and efficiency.

A person sitting in a smart home and operating a huge data visualization screen

🌟 Craft Your Own Energy Transformation with Akeptus

Embark on a tailored energy-saving journey. Here's what to expect after joining:

Tailored Energy Strategies
Whether you own or rent, Akeptus provides customized recommendations for reducing energy use in your specific living space.

Predictable Energy Expenses
Akeptus keeps you informed about potential utility bills and the condition of your home appliances, helping you steer clear of sudden, steep costs.

A bionic hand reaching out to a complicated digital network and fixing waste of money

🛠️ Advance Your Home with Akeptus

Transform your living space into a smart, energy-efficient haven. Achieve it with:

Peak-Time Device Optimization
Allow Akeptus to enhance device performance when energy demand is high.

Centralized Device Control
Manage your home's technology from a single, streamlined hub.

Custom Energy Objectives
Stay informed and on track with immediate updates on your energy consumption.

Data from a notepad, a physical calendar, and a smartphone reminder app all consolidated by a software

🏡 Elevated Home Management with Akeptus

With Akeptus, command your home's functions from anywhere. Experience how:

Tailored Climate at Your Fingertips
Pre-adjust your home's temperature for immediate comfort upon arrival.

Automated Lighting and Safety
Control lighting and security from afar for real-time peace of mind.

Complete Device Command
Turn off any connected device while you're away with a simple tap.

A smart house with sensors and IoT devices in each room working together to achieve efficiency

🌿 Elevate Efficiency, Minimize Expenses

Enhance your home's energy use and uncover savings with these Akeptus™ features:

Detailed Energy Breakdown
Gain a clear understanding of your energy consumption and potential savings.

Seamless Device Synchronization
Enjoy automated convenience and cost reduction by integrating smart devices.

Expert Assistance at Your Fingertips
Quickly address home energy issues with our network of trusted professionals.

Savings Through Rebates
Akeptus™ helps you locate rebates to make energy upgrades more affordable.

💖 Your Home, Reimagined

Your living space reflects your values. Make it a beacon of energy efficiency.

🌿 Your Green Partner
Leverage AI to cut bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

🎛️ Intuitive Controls
Seamlessly manage lighting, climate, and more. We learn, you relax.

🔌 Universal Fit
From basic thermostats to advanced lighting, we integrate effortlessly.

👨‍🔧 Hassle-Free Setup
Our experts handle the installation, you enjoy the benefits.

🎉 Simplified Management
Post-setup, control your home's energy with just a tap.

Take Control with Akeptus™: Smart Energy, Smarter Spending

Harmony at Home
Akeptus™ delves into your energy habits to find the sweet spot between coziness, conservation, and cost-effectiveness.

Economical Comfort
Envision a home that conforms to your lifestyle and simultaneously cuts down on expenses.

Akeptus: Centralize Your Energy Management

Instant Energy Clarity
Akeptus™ equips you with live data, showing you the precise flow of your energy usage.

Effortless Energy Tracking
Navigate your energy spending with ease using our user-friendly interface designed for hassle-free monitoring and budgeting.

Eco-Friendly Savings Advice
Take advantage of personalized suggestions and practical steps from Akeptus™ to reduce your energy use and boost your savings.
Akeptus™: Smart Living, Tailored to You

Akeptus™: Smart Living, Tailored to You

Experience the ultimate in home automation that adapts to you—comfort when you're home, savings when you're away.
Master Your Energy Expenses with Akeptus™

Master Your Energy Expenses with Akeptus™

Tired of high utility bills? Akeptus™ is your cutting-edge partner in energy management. It analyzes your usage and alerts you to peak pricing times, allowing you to choose when and how to use your energy more economically. And the great news is you don't have to sacrifice comfort to save money. With Akeptus™, achieving both is a breeze.
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🔌 Expand Your Akeptus™ Ecosystem

Boost your savings and control by integrating Smart Plugs, Smart Switches/Lights, and Smart Water Monitoring Systems.

  • 🎛️ Smart Plugs
    Automate appliances to run during off-peak hours, saving you money.
  • 🚰 Smart Water Monitoring
    Track your water usage in real-time to prevent wastage and costly leaks.
  • 💡 Smart Switches/Lights
    Customize lighting schedules to enhance mood and reduce energy costs.

🌱 Akeptus™ Ignites a Paradigm Shift in Energy Management

We stand at the precipice of a transformative era in how humans engage with energy. To harness the full potential of this paradigm shift—a fundamental reorientation of approach and underlying assumptions—we must first examine our prevailing beliefs about home energy usage.
  • Understanding Your Energy Use Instantly

    Many believe that closely tracking energy use as it happens is not practical, assuming that instant insight into our energy habits is not possible.

    With commonly used systems, it's tough to be sure if the energy data you see is even accurate. The concept of managing your energy in the moment often feels more like a hopeful dream than something you can actually do.

  • The Shortcomings of Traditional Energy Bills

    Ordinary energy management systems rely on the monthly bill to tell you how much energy you've used. But by the time you get your bill, it's too late for real-time understanding or immediate action.

    This old approach puts you in a waiting game, with no way to check if what you're charged for is what you've actually used. You have to trust what you're told because there hasn't been another option — until now.

  • The Mystery of Appliance Energy Use

    Typically, understanding the exact amount of energy each household appliance uses is unclear. You're left guessing, with no way to see the exact energy use of each device as it happens.

    Without this information, it's tough to make choices that save energy and money. It's like driving without a dashboard; you're moving forward, but you're missing the important details that help you drive smartly.

  • Balancing Comfort with Energy Savings

    Many believe that you have to choose between a comfortable home and lower energy bills. The common thought is that you can't have both: enjoying a cozy living space means accepting high energy costs, while saving money might mean giving up some comfort.

    This belief has led to unnecessary waste and missed opportunities for efficiency. Homeowners have felt forced to make a trade-off that shouldn't be necessary, limiting their ability to live sustainably.

  • Navigating Climate Change: From Daunted to Empowered

    The enormity of climate change can make it feel like an insurmountable issue, leaving many feeling too small to make a difference. The problem is vast and the stakes are high, leading to a common feeling of helplessness.

    This feeling can often overshadow the desire to take positive steps. Yet, the story changes when we consider how small, individual actions can add up to significant change when embraced by many.

  • The Cost Misconception of Smart Home Tech

    There's a common belief that smart home features are expensive extras only the wealthy can afford. This view suggests that making your home energy-efficient is costly, especially for renters or those with lower incomes.

    Such a belief can create a feeling of being left out from the benefits of eco-friendly living and the chance to cut energy costs.

Nana Wilberforce, Ph. D, founder and CEO of Akeptus, smart enegry company
🌿 Redefining Energy Management: The Future is Now
“These beliefs are a thing of the past, and you can control energy costs now. You don’t have to wait for some magical future date when you can take control of energy usage. Instead, Akeptus™ can empower you in several ways.”
Nana Wilberforce, PhD, founder & CEO

🌿 Akeptus™: Dismantling Outdated Paradigms

Empowering Residential Energy Consumers
  • A man holding electrons on his palm with a complicated analytical dashboard working on his phone in the back
    Take Charge of Your Energy Use
    Get a handle on your energy usage with immediate, easy-to-understand data.
    Immediate Energy Understanding
    Watch your energy habits and their costs live. Skip the estimates; you get clear, useful information.
    Decide with Confidence
    Armed with up-to-the-minute data, make smart decisions that conserve energy and trim your bills.
    Aim for Smart Savings
    Identify exactly where you can use less and spend less. With Akeptus™, smart savings are effortless.
  • A woman sitting on a yoga mat meditating while her home in the back produces zero environment damage
    Clear Visibility
    Tip the scales in your favor. Stay informed with instant updates on your energy use.
    Verify Your Bills
    Match your utility bill with your personal usage records. Understand exactly what goes into the costs you incur.
    End Unclear Breakdowns
    Forget about puzzling over your provider's unclear charges. Akeptus™ gives you the full story of your energy use.
    Smart Forecasting
    Monitor your energy as it's being used and predict your next bill with confidence. Make decisions today to control tomorrow's expenses.
  • An interface in the center of a complex system of devices and appliances all bound together in a network
    Individual Appliance Tracking
    Get detailed reports of energy use for every single appliance. With Akeptus™, clarity is just a plug away.
    Outsmart Your Energy Bill
    Forget about confusing charges. Akeptus™ puts you in the know, potentially even more than your energy provider.
    Insight Without the Effort
    Skip the guesswork. Akeptus™ automatically analyzes your energy use, providing insights without the hassle.
    Smart, Sustainable Decisions
    With exact data on how much energy you use, you can make choices that are good for your wallet and the planet.
  • An electrical bill with a complete breakdown of energy consumed by all the devices within the house
    Home Harmony Through Smart Energy
    Create a balanced, energy-efficient home atmosphere. End the thermostat disputes; with Akeptus™, everyone can monitor energy expenses as they occur.
    Effortless Energy Management
    Akeptus™ seamlessly manages your home's energy—from temperature to lights—ensuring everything operates efficiently without a second thought from you.
    Instant Energy Awareness
    Every person in your home can understand energy use the moment it happens, bringing clarity and control into every room.
    Eco-Friendly Living Made Economical
    Akeptus™ empowers you to embrace sustainability without losing sight of your budget. Make choices that benefit both your home and the environment today.
  • A woman's palm holding a house lifting it from the cloud of smog
    Act on Climate from Home
    Step into an active role against climate change without stepping outside. With Akeptus™, home management becomes a form of earth stewardship.
    Smart, Worry-Free Energy Use
    Ease your eco-concerns. Akeptus™ uses advanced technology to smartly oversee your energy consumption for a greener lifestyle.
    Informed Energy Choices
    Feel the freedom of knowing your exact energy use and having the control to improve it. Akeptus™ provides you with the knowledge to make impactful, eco-friendly decisions.
  • Two people high-fiving in front of a smart home
    Accessible Smart Home Solutions
    Forget about the cost being a barrier to smarter living. Akeptus™ makes advanced home technology affordable for everyone.
    Efficiency Starts with a Simple Upgrade
    Begin your move to a smarter, more energy-conscious home with just a smart thermostat and Akeptus™. Yes, it's really that straightforward.
    Experience the Financial Smart Magic
    Akeptus™ doesn't just turn your home into a hub of smart technology; it also delivers real savings. The money you save on energy each month can easily surpass Akeptus™'s cost, benefiting both your budget and the environment
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Akeptus™: Championing Equality and Eco-Consciousness

Embrace the power of green energy that enriches lives everywhere. Akeptus™ is at the forefront, reshaping the way we manage energy at home for a better tomorrow.

Innovative and Economical Energy Solutions
With advanced AI, Akeptus™ transforms energy from a luxury to an everyday standard. It fine-tunes energy use, cutting costs and curbing excess.

Energy Equity for a Fairer Future
Akeptus™ brings clean, cost-effective energy to the forefront, promoting fairness and improving lives in communities that have been overlooked by traditional energy systems.

Where to next?

Now you have an overview of Akeptus™ and how it can benefit you. To learn more about exactly what problems it can solve for you, click here:

Problems Akeptus™ solves